This program is for you if you want to create or further develop your own act. We guide you through our program, providing tasks, feedback, input, and support for your creative process.
Mentoring & Support with Anna Venture & Nita Bon Air
Areas in which we offer mentoring:
- Structure
- Choreography
- Storyline
- Costume ideas/implementation
- Props: Boa, fans, others
- Burlesque persona/character
- Music
- Make-up/styling
- Stage presence/expression
You can work at your own pace—some elements of your act may take longer, others less time. We aim to adapt to your rhythm as much as possible. Please contact us exclusively via email during the program. Videos/photos can be sent via WeTransfer or, if necessary, WhatsApp.
Program process:
- You’ll receive a questionnaire from us to complete and send back via email to
- An initial consultation: ~20 minutes in German with Anna or English with Nita.
- Within three days, you’ll receive an email with tasks to kickstart your creative process.
- Inform us when you’re ready and send us your first video/result of your work.
- Within three days, you’ll receive a video response from Burlesque Cologne with comments and new input.
- After refining your material, send it to us again, and we’ll schedule a final video call together.
- If you’d like a private session at the end of the program, we’ll arrange it for €60 plus room rental.