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Cologne’s first Boylesque Class! The masculine energy meets the art of seduction.

Dare to know how masculinized expressions combine the irresistible tease, charm, and drama that burlesque is known for.

Learn from our Special Guest Teacher from Luxemburg: Leo Rise

Leo performs on international stages (like the Berlin Burlesque Festival & Cologne Burlesque Festival) and is teaching regular Boylesque Classes in Luxemburg. We are very happy to host him and let you experience Leos expertise and charm.



Workshop Details:


Genders: All*

Skill Focus:

  • Choreographic Skills: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
  • Performative Skills: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
  • Physical Demand: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5)


Gender Inclusivity in our Workshops:

Most of our work is focused on hyper-feminized expressions of movement and style. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for anyone who identifies as a woman or as non-binary and feels drawn to explore these forms of self-expression.

Some workshops are open to all genders, including male participants, while others are designed specifically for women and non-binary individuals. Each workshop has its own approach to gender inclusivity, so please check the descriptions to find the one that best suits your interests.


July 13
14:00 - 16:00


Burlesque Cologne


Orlandos Dance Studio
Gladbacher Str. 29
Cologne, NRW 50672 Alemania


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On Sale
"Oh man" Welcome to Boylesque - Workshop Ticket
The Early Bird price is available until 14 days before the workshop.
50.00 40.00
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